A city-wide, multidisciplinary arts
festival celebrating German Expressionism

The Caligari Project is a unique, multi-disciplinary, city-wide, public festival, celebrating German Expressionism in its many forms, encompassing visual arts, film, music, dance, theatre, puppetry and a speakers series happening in Regina, Saskatchewan from September - December 2016.
During this three month city-wide arts festival, more than twenty arts activities and events will be held under the banner of The Caligari Project.
For more information about all of the events happening as a part of the Caligari Project - please click the "Events" button below!
You can also check out our festival program....
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari silent film screening
Featuring a world premiere of a new score by Jason Cullimore & a live orchestral performance conducted by Victor Sawa!

Sunday, October 16, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Conexus Arts Centre
​Purchase your tickets today!
**Special offer! Use the code 15off at online checkout, when ordering by phone or at the box office to receive $15 off your tickets!**
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is a well-known silent German Expressionist psychological horror film which explores madness and the paranormal in a highly-stylized world of claustrophobic fabricated sets and dramatic performances. Regina’s award-winning symphonic composer, Jason Cullimore, has composed a brand new score for the film, to be premiered with a screening of the film featuring a live orchestral performance by members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra, known as The Caligari Orchestra, with conductor Victor Sawa.
The Cabinet Collective is honoured to present a sophisticated and innovative new work by a fantastic local composer, performed by a collection of Regina's most outstanding musical and symphonic artists as the marquee event at the Caligari Project: Festival of German Expressionism. This live performance and screening is supported by the Regina Hotels Association.