Over 20 different German Expressionist-themed arts events will be presented over a four-month period celebrating and exploring German Expressionism in its many forms. The Caligari Project features work by Saskatchewan's most highly revered talent and presenting associations. All festival events are listed in detail below, please use the "At-A-Glance" navigation below to navigate between events. You can also view the schedule of events in a calendar view.

Art of German Expressionism Workshop​
Sunday, September 18, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, 2311 12th Ave
Admission: FREE
Want to learn more about German Expressionism? Need ideas and help with techniques for the German Expressionism Art Contest?
Professional artists Michelle Brownridge, Chrystene Ells, and Berny Hi will help you get started on your art piece for the contest. They will provide a short presentation and then lead the group through a series of workshops for various disciplines, with opportunities to provide feedback on your ideas for the contest. A range of materials will be supplied, or bring your own materials if you are coming with ideas!

All lectures held at the ShuBox Theatre in the Riddell Centre,
University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
The Art of Expressionism Speaker Series will feature ten University of Regina scholars, plus keynote speaker Dr. Andrew Burke, whose presentations address various aspects of the Expressionist movement. The Speaker Series is curated by Dr. Christina Stojanova.
The Speaker Series will run from September 22 to October 19, 2016. For more indepth information about each installment in the series, please see the details below...

Thursday, September 22, 7:30pm-8:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
“German Expressionism in Context: The First World War and the European Avant-Garde”
This introductory lecture by Dr. Ian Germani, (History, U of Regina) will demonstrate how Expressionism, as a foremost avant-garde movement, responded to the challenges of modernity and the crisis of the Great War.
Prof Leesa Streifler
Thursday, September 29, 7:30pm-9:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, U of R, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
“Looking at German Expressionist Drawing and Painting”
Show-and-tell presentation by Prof Leesa Streifler, (Visual Arts, MAP, University of Regina) about quintessential German Expressionist painters – Max Beckmann, Oskar Kokoshka, Vassily Kandinsky among others.
Dr. Christina Stojanova, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom

Professor Leesa Streifler, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom
Dr. Leanne Groeneveld & Prof Wes Pierce
Thursday, October 6, 7:30pm-9:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, U of R, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
“Early Twentieth-century Expressionist Theatre as Morality Play”
The lecture by Dr. Leanne Groeneveld, (Theatre, Campion) will discuss the return to a child-like, medieval simplicity in such seminal Expressionist plays like “From Morning to Midnight” by Georg Kaiser and Masses and “Man” by Ernst Toller.
“Expressionism and the Scenographic Imagination”
This illustrated presentation by Prof Wes Pierce, (Theatre, MAP, University of Regina) looks at the role cinematic Expressionism played in developing a new theatrical aesthetic in the works of directors/ designers Leopold Jessner, Erwin Piscator and Robert Edmond Jones.

Ken Wilson & Dr. Helen Pridmore
Thursday, October 13, 7:30pm-9:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, U of R, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
“The Life and Times of Otto Dix: A Portrait in Thirteen Ekphrastic Fragments”
Multimedia presentation by Ken Wilson, (Theatre, MAP, University of Regina), featuring a staged reading and discussion of the monologues of Otto Dix, German Expressionist painter and printmaker.
“The Emancipation of Dissonance: Expressionism in Music”
This lecture-recital by Dr. Helen Pridmore, Music, MAP, (University of Regina) will explore the aesthetics and ideologies behind what came to be known as the Second Viennese School or ‘atonal’ music, and will examine its structures and concepts in comparisons to more conventional tonal music.
Dr. Helen Pridmore as Pierrot Lunaire
Photo by John MacDermid, Ehtozed Photography

Prof Gerald Saul, Chrystene Ells & Dr. Christina Stojanova
Wednesday, October 19, 7:30pm-9:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, U of R, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
"Between Darkness and Light: Walking in the Shadows of the German Expressionists"
The lecture by Prof Gerald Saul and Chrystene Ells, (Film, MAP, University of Regina) will reflect upon the complex aesthetic legacy of German Expressionism in contemporary art and filmmaking.
“Madness, Insanity, Betrayal, and Other "Intellectual" Stories”
The talk by Dr. Christina Stojanova, (Film, MAP, University of Regina) will examine philosophical aspects of Expressionist creativity in the works of Robert Wiene, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Fritz Lang.

Still - Nosferatu
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Andrew Burke
Monday, October 17, 7:30pm-8:45pm
ShuBox Theatre, Riddell Centre, U of R, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
Admission: FREE
“From Weimar to Winnipeg: German Expressionism and Guy Maddin”
Drawing on his extensive research on Guy Maddin, one of the most famous Canadian filmmakers, Dr. Andrew Burke (Department of English, University of Winnipeg) will focus on the strong German Expressionist influence on the visual vocabulary and narrative conventions of Maddin's films.
Still - Guy Madden

Outside the Box – German Expressionist Display by Rowan Pantel
Monday, September 26 - Thursday, December 29
11:00 am to 7:00 pm Mon. - Thurs., 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Fri., Sat., Sun.
Art Gallery of Regina, 2420 Elphinstone St
Admission: FREE
In the hallway and outside of the Art Gallery of Regina main space is Outside the Box. A plexi-glass case that houses miniature art installations. Artist and puppeteer Rowan Pantel will be creating a world inspired by the art of German Expressionism. Visual Arts, Dance Costumes, Puppets, Theatre, Film - German Expressionism offered a unique inspiration to all art forms.
Rowan Pantel, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom

Gerald Saul: Eyes of Sorrow Moon Screening
Thursday, October 6 - Sunday, January 15, 2017
Dunlop Central Mediatheque, Regina Public Library, 2311 - 12th Avenue
Admission: FREE
Curated by The Cabinet Collective, Inc.
Screenings of Gerald Saul's film "Eyes of Sorrow Moon" will be shown in the Dunlop Central Mediatheque continuously from October 6, 2016 to January 15, 2017.
The film is set in a timeless village occupied by shadowy characters and sentient creatures of the night, a strange child, distrusted by the community, must turn to the dark arts to appease his hunger, his loneliness, and his vengeance.
Still - Eyes of Sorrow Moon

Caligari Project Culture Days:
Lantern and Puppet Making Workshops
Saturday, October 1 & Sunday October 2, 12:00pm-5:00pm
Saskatchewan Science Centre, 2903 Powerhouse Drive
Admission: FREE
The Prairie Puppet Underground, Das Schulhaus German Language School, the Saskatchewan Science Centre and New Dance Horizons are excited to be partnering to present an exciting weekend of family friendly, interactive lantern making and procession puppet workshops during Culture Days 2016 as a part of The Caligari Project, which will culminate in a traditional German lantern walk in Wascana Park on Saturday, November 5th, 2016.
The hub partners invite you to participate in two days of German Expressionist themed, interactive workshops for all ages and abilities focused on the creation on several different types of lanterns, procession puppets, movement, dance and costuming at the Saskatchewan Science Centre.
Sylvia Ziemann with Rabbit Puppet,
Photo provided by Slyvia Ziemann

German Expressionism Art Contest and Exhibit
Contest Entry Deadline: Friday, October 14
Exhibition runs Monday, October 24 - Friday, November 25
Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, 2311 - 12th Avenue
Organized by Wendy Peart, Dunlop Art Gallery
Admission: FREE
German Expressionism was an artistic movement that used exaggerated styles to express powerful emotional states. Express yourself by making original artwork in any media that pays homage to this dramatic style! Your work must reference visual elements of both Emile Nolde's "Excited People", 1913, oil on canvas and Robert Wiene's "Genuine", 1920, film.
Submit your artwork, along with your name, age category, and contact information to any RPL location by Friday, October 14. Limit one entry per person. Submission grants approval to have your work photographed and reproduced for RPL or Dunlop purposes.
All submissions will be displayed at Regina Public Library from October 24 - November 25, 2016, and a winner will be selected in each of the following age categories: Children: 13 & under, Young Adult: 14-19, Adult: 19+.
Wendy Peart, Dunlop Art Gallery, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Screening with Live Performance!
Sunday, October 16, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Conexus Arts Centre, 200 Lakeshore Dr.
To purchase tickets - click here! Early bird pricing ends September 23.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is a well-known silent German Expressionist
psychological horror film which explores madness and the paranormal in a highly-stylized world of claustrophobic fabricated sets and dramatic performances. Regina’s award-winning symphonic composer, Jason Cullimore, has composed a brand new score for the film, to be premiered with a screening of the film featuring a live orchestral performance by members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra, known as The Caligari Orchestra, with conductor Victor Sawa.
The Cabinet Collective is honoured to present a sophisticated and innovative new work by a fantastic local composer, performed by a collection of Regina's most outstanding musical and symphonic artists as the marquee event at the Caligari Project: Festival of German Expressionism. This live performance and screening is supported by the Regina Hotels Association.
Maestro Victor Sawa & Berny Hi as Cesare the Sonambulist

The Emancipation of Dissonance: Chamber Music
Tuesday, October 18, 7:30pm-9:00pm
Auditorium, Regina Public Library, 2311 - 12th Ave
Admission: FREE
Expressionist music by the great composers of the time -- Schoenberg, Berg and Webern -- performed by soprano Helen Pridmore, pianist Katherine Dowling and members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. Ranging from lyrical to disturbing, romantic to openly sensual, this music explores "the emancipation of dissonance" -- the movement away from tonality into other sound realms.
Featured will be Alban Berg's "Seven Early Songs"; excerpts from Arnold Schoenberg's "Book of the Hanging Gardens"; and music for clarinet, voice and piano by Anton Webern as well as Berg. Come hear the RSO's new principal clarinetist, Hyonsuk Kim, along with RSO bass clarinetist Pauline Minevich.
Admission is free! This concert is co-sponsored by the Caligari Collective, the Regina Symphony Orchestra's Library Series, and the Regina Musical Club.
Image by: Kandinsky

The Caligari Salon:
An Evening of Sideshows, Cinema, Art & Angst
Thursday, October 20, Doors 6:30 pm, 7:00pm-10:00pm
MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St.
Admission: FREE
The MacKenzie hosts the Caligari Project for an evening of German Expressionist-inspired films made by Saskatchewan filmmakers, followed by a unique puppet sideshow and reception in celebration of the MacKenzie’s exhibition: German Expressionists and their Contemporaries. The exhibition includes the works of key figures—Max Beckmann, Käthe Kollwitz, Otto Dix, among others—representatives of a movement which transformed Europe’s angst in the first decades of the twentieth century into images filled with longing for alternatives to a decaying aesthetic and social order. As The Caligari Project demonstrates, the creative output of this turbulent period continues to be a source of inspiration for artists, filmmakers, actors, musicians, designers, dancers, and puppeteers.
German Expressionists and their Contemporaries is on view at the MacKenzie Art Gallery from September 24, 2016 to April 23, 2017.
Presented in partnership with Prairie Puppet Underground and Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative.

Timothy Long, Head Curator, MacKenzie Art Gallery
Photo by: Eagleclaw Thom
Somnambulist Puppet Sideshow – presented as part of The Caligari Salon (see above)
Thursday, October 20, 8:00pm-10:00pm
MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St.
Admission: FREE
The Prairie Puppet Underground welcomes you to explore the amazing and uncanny! Explore the dark and mysterious sideshow underworld, and meet puppets of all shapes and sizes. Experience a Penny Arcade, the Fortune Teller, the Fiji Mermaid and other 'What-Is-It's, the Toy Theatre, the World’s Strongest Man, and many more! Enter into a 1920’s circus sideshow - and prepare to believe the unbelievable. Not for the faint of heart. Th​e Somnambulist​​ Puppet Sideshow
is presented as part of The Caligari Salon (above) in partnership with the MacKenzie Art Gallery.
Chrystene Ells, Photo by: Eagleclaw Thom

The Cinema of Dr. Caligari - presented as part of The Caligari Salon (see above)
Thursday, October 20, 7:00pm-9:00pm
MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St.
Admission: FREE
The Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative will be presenting a visionary screening of short films paying homage to German Expressionism curated from international and local independent cinema submitted to the The Caligari Film Project.
Expressionist films often feature a dark and twisted aesthetic with sharp pointed forms, oblique lines and angles, low-key lighting and the use of exaggerated sets, acting, and mise-en-scene. Highly influential German Expressionism films include the classics The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), From Morn to Midnight (1920), Nosferatu (1922), Warning Shadows (1923), Metropolis (1927) and M (1931). The films screened this evening will be contemporary works influenced or inspired by such cinema, and will be an exploration of the excellence in cinematic language and technique developed over the past century, with unique perspectives on how Expressionism can be used to comment on the world today.
​This screening is presented as part of The Caligari Salon (above) in partnership with the MacKenzie Art Gallery.
Katherine Dowling, Saskatchewan Filmpool, Photo by: Eagleclaw Thom

Caligari Project Print Exchange Exhibition
Exhibition runs Tuesday, October 25 - Saturday, December 17
Opening Reception Thursday, November 17, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Admission: FREE
Articulate Ink invites you to an exhibition of German Expressionist themed, print-based works, from both local and international artists. The exhibition presents more than twenty original prints submitted by both local and international artists as a part of the Caligari Print Exchange - a German Expressionist themed international print exchange, organized in connection with The Caligari Project.
Printmaking was a favored medium among German Expressionists, who used the process to distribute powerful utopian messages to the masses on leaflets, portfolios, posters, and manifestos. The works confronted religious, moral, social, and political matters with an energy and immediacy not possible through other mediums. The urgency of the issues is visible in the artists' handling of the medium who used distorted and exaggerated forms in a way that was unique amongst other prints of that era. This aggressive and striking approach became the hallmark of the German Expressionist artist. The artists in this exhibition explored the history printmaking played in German Expressionism and how German Expressionism has influenced contemporary printmaking practices.
Chrystene Ells, Photo by: Eagleclaw Thom

"Modern Woman Selfie" by Julia Newson
All Hallow's Eve Expressionist Extra VAGANZA!
Sunday, October 30, 19:45
Top Secret Mystery Location – check back for details and tickets!
Admission: $25/$5 off if you come in costume!
After gathering at a top secret mystery location (details will be announced on www.caligari.ca closer to October 30), the audience will be escorted by a questionable character who takes them on a short tour down a dark dank alley way to the UNDERWORLD!
The Underworld is a menagerie of visual and interactive exhibits created by some of Regina’s most renegade and notable artists. The audience can tour freely the various microcosmic performance and gallery spaces featuring puppetry, live music, photography, video, film and more. In the spirit and philosophy of the German Expressionist Era, the artists are challenged to experiment with bold ideas and artistic styles, utilizing light, set design, 1920’s music and the themes of madness insanity, betrayal, fantasy and horror distinct to the movement.
At 21:11 begins an underground Cabaret. World-renowned circus artists Mooky Cornish and Sara Ski will host an outrageous variety show of expressionist shenanigans. Music, magic and copious amounts of vodka will accompany these two zanies and their special guests as they create an unforgettable evening of Expressionistic Exhilarating Entertainment.
After the cabaret there will be a live band for infernal dancing and howling into the night!
Be part of the nonsense, come in costume!
Sara Ski & Mooky Cornish

German Expressionism Revisited: U of R Student Exhibition
Exhibition runs Monday, October 31 - Friday, November 18
Opening Reception Thursday, November 3, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Fifth Parallel Gallery, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Pky
Admission: FREE
German Expressionism Revisited is a student exhibition of work influenced by and celebrating the German Expressionist movement. The exhibition showcases paintings from an Expressionist Painting course, as well as student work in the Expressionist style from Printmaking and Film classes at the University of Regina. Please join us for an opening reception on Thursday, November 3rd at The Fifth Parallel Gallery from 4 - 7pm.
The Fifth Parallel Gallery is a student operated exhibition space located at the University of Regina.

Caligari Project Lantern Procession
Saturday, November 5, 5:00pm-9:00pm
Procession participants will gather at the Saskatchewan Science Centre 2903 Powerhouse Dr.
Admission: FREE
The Prairie Puppet Underground, Das Schulhaus German Language School, the Saskatchewan Science Centre and New Dance Horizons (NDH) are excited to be partnering to present a traditional German lantern walk in Wascana Park.
The Lantern Walk originates from the German tradition of the St. Martin’s procession, which commemorates the life of St. Martin of Tours. St. Martin is best known for sharing his cloak with a beggar during a snowstorm. While the processions take their origin from a religious practice, today they are strongly secular. Following the tradition of the St. Martin processions being led by a horse, the lantern walk will include a fantastic, larger than life lantern puppet horse. The custom of carrying lanterns is also rooted in the fact that “light needs to be brought into the darker times of the year” like many other festivals of lights traditions seen around the world.
Lantern Procession, Robin Poitras, New Dance Horizons
Photo by Ray Ambrosi

Spring's Awakening - Adapted by Elizabeth Leavitt, Kenn McLeod, & Jeremiah Munsey from the play by Frank Wedekind
Nightly from Wednesday, Nov. 9 – Friday Nov. 11, 7:00pm-11:00pm
University of Regina, Riddell Centre Mainstage, 3737 Wascana Pkwy
FOR TICKETS CALL Theatre Box Office: (306) 585-5562
First performed under heavy censorship in Germany in 1906, the play closed after only one night in New York in 1917 amid pubic outrage and charges of obscenity. The story traces the dawning sexual awareness of a group of teenagers who, in their painfully funny contradictions, are at once too innocent and not remotely innocent at all. The play remains fresh and unsettling even in our own sex-saturated culture. Told in high expressionistic style, this adaptation retains the era and ideals of the original, and provokes a closer look at how we talk to our children.

German Expressionist Youth Filmmaking Workshop
Tuesday, December 6 - Thursday, Dec 8
Location TBA, check back here for details
Admission: FREE
mispon will host a three-day workshop on German Expressionism facilitated by Regina-based Mik'maq filmmaker, Berny Hi from December 6-8, 2016. The workshop will be targeted towards youth and focus on German Expressionism production techniques and theory using lighting, makeup and learning production basics.
Berny Hi, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom

Saturday, December 10
Location and time TBA, check back here for details
Admission: FREE
A screening of the work created during the German Expressionist Youth Filmmaking workshop will be held as part of both the mispon Indigenous Film Festival.
German Expressionist Youth Filmmaking Workshop Screening
Drunk on German Expressionism - Annual FadaDance X-Mas Party
Saturday December 17, 9:00pm – 3:00am
The Exchange, 2431 8th Ave
Please visit fadadance.ca for tickets and more info
The FadaDance annual X-Mas party takes on a Caligari twist. Dance performances are infused with sharp shadows and angular actions. Special guest performance by shadow puppeteer, Tamara Unroe.
Come to the "other side" and get lost in the Somnambulist Puppet Sideshow created by the Prairie Puppet Underground.
Dig deep in your Caligari closet, draw on some eyebrows and dance the night away, drunk on German Expressionism!
Dance Performances!
Fran Gilboy, FadaDance, Photo by Eagleclaw Thom

German Expressionism and its Cinematic Legacy Double-Bill Screening Series
As a lead up to the Caligari Project, Dr. Christina Stojanova, Associate Professor in the Department of Film at the University of Regina, curated a series of nine double-bills, screened at the RPL Film theatre, on the first Thursday of the month from January to September, 2016. The series paired influential German Expressionist Films with a contemporary title. The films screened were as follows:
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari & Shutter Island
Nosferatu & Bram Stoker's Dracula
Dracula: Pages from A Virgin’s Diary & Nosferatu the Vampyre
Warning Shadows & Phantom of the Opera
Pandora's Box & Vertigo
Waxworks & Dark Shadows
M & Se7en
Metropolis & Bladerunner
Destiny & Run Lola Run

At- A - Glance Festival Schedule:
January - September
German Expressionism and its Cinematic Legacy Double-Bill Screening Series - January - September 2016
Art of German Expressionism Workshop - Sunday, September 18, 1:00pm-3:00pm
THE ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES: Dr. Ian Germani - September 22, 7:30pm-8:45pm
German Expressionists and their Contemporaries - September 24, 2016 to January 22, 2017, Opening Reception September 24, 7:00pm
THE ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES: Prof Leesa Streifler- September 29, 7:30pm-9:45pm
Caligari Project Culture Days: Lantern and Puppet Making Workshops - October 1 & 2, 12:00pm-5:00pm
THE ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES: Dr. Leanne Groeneveld & Prof Wes Pierce - October 6, 7:30pm-9:45pm
THE ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES: Ken Wilson & Dr. Helen Pridmore - October 13, 7:30pm-9:45pm
THE ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Andrew Burke - October 17, 7:30pm-8:45pm
ART OF EXPRESSIONISM SPEAKER SERIES: Prof Gerald Saul, Chrystene Ells & Dr. Christina Stojanova - October 19, 7:30pm-9:45pm
Outside the Box – German Expressionist Display by Rowan Pantel - September 26 - December 29
Gerald Saul: Eyes of Sorrow Moon - Thursday, October 6 - Sunday, January 15, 2017
German Expressionism Art Contest and Exhibit - Contest - Entry Deadline: Friday, Oct. 14 Exhibition runs Oct. 24 – Nov. 25
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Screening with Live Performance - Sunday, October 16, 7:00pm-10:00pm
The Emancipation of Dissonance: Chamber Music - Tuesday, October 18, 7:30pm-9:00pm
The Caligari Salon: An Evening of Sideshows, Cinema, Art and Angst - Thursday, October 20, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Somnambulist Puppet Sideshow – presented as part of The Caligari Salon (see above) - Thursday, October 20, 8:00pm-10:00pm
The Cinema of Dr. Caligari - presented as part of The Caligari Salon (see above) - Thursday, October 20, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Caligari Project Print Exchange Exhibition – Oct. 25 – Dec. 17 - Opening Reception Thurs., Nov. 17, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
All Hallow's Eve Expressionist Extra VAGANZA! - Sunday, October 30, 19:45pm
German Expressionism Revisited: U of R Student Exhibition - Monday, Oct. 31 - Friday, Nov. 18, Opening Reception Thursday, Nov. 3, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Caligari Project Lantern Procession - Saturday, November 5, 5:00pm-9:00pm
Spring's Awakening - Nightly from Wednesday, Nov. 9 – Friday Nov. 11, 7:00pm-11:00pm
German Expressionist Youth Filmmaking Workshop - Tuesday, December 6 - Thursday, Dec 8
German Expressionist Youth Filmmaking Workshop Screening - Saturday, December 10
Drunk on German Expressionism - Saturday December 17, 9:00pm – 3:00am

Untitled, Sheila Stoffel | Multimedia
German Expressionists and their Contemporaries
September 24, 2016 – April 23, 2017,
Opening Reception September 24, 7:00pm
MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St.
Admission: FREE
For more information, please visit the MacKenzie Art Gallery website
As a part of the Caligari Project, the MacKenzie Art Gallery is proud to present German Expressionists and their Contemporaries, an exhibition of over forty graphic works drawn from the Gallery’s small, but significant holdings, supplemented by works from the Winnipeg Art Gallery, selected by Andrew Kear, Curator of Historical Canadian Art. Included in the exhibition are prints by key figures—Max Beckmann, Käthe Kollwitz, Franz Marc, Egon Schiele, among others—representatives of a movement which transformed Europe’s angst in the first decades of the twentieth century into images filled with longing for alternatives to a decaying aesthetic and social order.